Theme 1: 2P Mirror Match

This is a 1 versus 1 game, where we are playing rules similar to those you would see in a tournament or a competition. Both players play the same leader with a domination victory on Duel.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. Both players must agree on a civilization to play, as both players will be the same civilization. if neither of you can agree, then you will default to play as Brazil.
  2. It will be an Ancient Era Start.
  3. The difficulty will be Emperor (used to say Immortal, but that was in conflict with the save file provided).
  4. The only victory condition is Domination.
  5. The map type will be skirmish, duel.
  6. There will be no Barbarian, and no Ruins, and no city-states.
  7. Still under Advanced, Disable Start Bias should be selected.
  8. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if both players agree.
  9. The following wonders are banned: The Great wall, Terracotta Army. Building these is a forfeit of the game. If unintentionally built, and the opponent allows it, they may let you revert 1 turn before it is complete and you can then change production to something else.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 2: 2v2 Massacre

This is a 2 on 2 game with all victory conditions (excluding time) on a standard size Continents map.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. Players need to find a partner, then challenge someone. The challenged player, if accepting the game then must find a partner.
  2. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all 4 as different civilizatoins, or you can have all 4 civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all 4 agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  3. The turn order on GMR will be such that The host of the game is first on team 1, the second player will be a player from Team 2, the third player will be the second player on team 1, and the fourth player will be the second player on team 2
  4. It will be an Ancient Era Start.
  5. The difficulty will be Prince
  6. All victory conditions are active, excluding Time.
  7. The map type will be standard size type Continents.
  8. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  9. There will be 16 city-states.
  10. Still under Advanced, Disable Start Bias should be selected.
  11. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if both teams agree.
  12. All great wonders are eligible for being built.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 3: 4P FFA Inland Sea

This is a 4 player FFA game, with all victory conditions enabled on a standard sized Inland Sea map. The challenger must challenge 3 other players to a game.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. This is a 4 player FFA game, with all victory conditions enabled.
  2. The challenger must challenge 3 other players to a game.
  3. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all 4 as different civilizatoins, or you can have all 4 civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all 4 agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  4. It will be an Ancient Era Start with a game pace of Quick.
  5. World Age - 4 Billion Years.
  6. Temperature - Temperate.
  7. Rainfall - Normal.
  8. Resources - Strategic Balance.
  9. The difficulty will be Prince.
  10. All victory conditions are active, excluding Time.
  11. The map type will be standard size. type Inland Sea.
  12. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  13. There will be 16 city-states.
  14. For this game, Disable Start Bias will not be enabled.
  15. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if both teams agree.
  16. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders)
  17. When preparing the Order of the turns, the players decide how they want to do the order that is the most efficient.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 4: 3P Let There be Peace

This is a 3 player Science and Culture Victory only, but the catch is that nobody can attack the other players at all. There is no war with civilizations, however you can declare war and attack city-states. (Futurism tenet is banned to prevent quick wins with GPs)

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. This is a 3 player Science and Culture Victory only
  2. You may not can attack other players at all. There is no war with civilizations, however you can declare war and attack the City states.
  3. If someone does declare war, the game needs to be reverted back as soon as possible to before war declared.
  4. The only victory Conditions are Science and Culture.
  5. The challenger must challenge 2 other players to a game. Challenger creates the game in GMR.
  6. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all 3 as different civilizations, or you can have all 3 civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all 3 agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though)
  7. It will be an Modern Renaissance Era Start with a game pace of Quick
  8. World Age - 3 Billion Years
  9. Temperature - Temperate
  10. Rainfall - Normal
  11. Sea Level - Medium
  12. Resources - Strategic Balance.
  13. The difficulty will be Prince
  14. The map type will be small size. type Pangaea.
  15. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  16. There will be 8 city-states.
  17. For this game, Disable Start Bias will not be enabled.
  18. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if all players agree.
  19. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders)
  20. Futurism tenet is banned to prevent quick wins with Great People.
  21. When preparing the Order of the turns, the players decide how they want to do the order that is the most efficient.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 5: 4P City-States Galore

This is a 4 player FFA game on a standard sized Pangaea map with 50 city-states. All victory conditions enabled except Time. This theme also includes raging barbarians.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. This is a 4 player FFA game on a Standard Map. All victory conditions enabled except time.
  2. The challenger must challenge 3 other players to a game. Challenger creates the game in GMR.
  3. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all 4 as different civilizations, or you can have all 4 civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all 4 agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though)
  4. It will be an Ancient Era start with a game pace of Quick
  5. World Age - 4 Billion Years
  6. Temperature - Temperate
  7. Rainfall - Normal
  8. Sea Level - Medium
  9. Resources - Strategic Balance.
  10. The difficulty will be Prince
  11. The map type will be standard size. type Pangaea.
  12. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  13. Raging Barbarians are enabled (This is to help get those barbarian camp quests with City States)
  14. There will be 50 city-states. Can you work with the City-States and develop a good relationship? Or, will you conquer them all for expansion?
  15. For this game, Disable Start Bias will not be enabled.
  16. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if all players agree.
  17. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders)
  18. When preparing the Order of the turns, the players decide how they want to do the order that is the most efficient.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 7: 2P Anything Goes

This is an alternative to the 2P Mirror theme where the rules are more typical of normal games, rather than strictly mirror-like. All victory conditions except time and the map is West vs East (separated by a narrow sea) on duel size.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. This is a 2 player only game.
  2. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either both as different civilizations, or you can have both the same. There are no restrictions.
  3. If both players agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  4. It will be an Ancient Era Start.
  5. The difficulty will be Prince.
  6. Game pace is Quick.
  7. World Age is 4 Billion Years.
  8. Temperature is Temperate.
  9. Rainfall is Normal.
  10. Resources are Strategic Balance.
  11. Team Settings: Teams start together. This was changed as apparently the other setting sometimes put the players together.
  12. All Victory Conditions are active, excluding time.
  13. The map type will be West vs East (separated by a narrow sea), duel size.
  14. Barbarian, and Ruins are enabled, and 4 city-states (Admin note: this was previously written as 6CS incorrectly).
  15. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if both players agree.
  16. All world wonders are eligible for the game.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 8: 2-4P Diplomatic

This is a 2 to 4 player Science, Culture or Diplomacy Victory, but unlike Theme 4, you can declare war on each other.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. The only victory Conditions are Science, and Culture and Diplomacy.
  2. The challenger must challenge 1 to 3 other players to a game. Challenger creates the game in GMR.
  3. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all as different civilizations, or you can have all civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though)
  4. It will be an Ancient Era Start with a game pace of Quick
  5. World Age - 4 Billion Years
  6. Temperature - Temperate
  7. Rainfall - Normal
  8. Sea Level - Medium
  9. Resources - Strategic Balance.
  10. Landmass Type: Large Continents (This will appear when selecting Rainforest)
  11. The difficulty will be Prince
  12. The map type will be Standard size. type Rainforest, just because I hate Jungle maps and thought I'd share my hatred for them.
  13. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  14. There will be 16 city-states.
  15. For this game, Disable Start Bias will not be enabled.
  16. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if all players agree. In the save game, i disabled Explorer's Map Pack too, but you guys don't have to do that.
  17. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders)
  18. When preparing the Order of the turns, the players decide how they want to do the order that is the most efficient.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 9: 2P One City Challenge

This is a 2 player duel and with the One-City Challenge game mode on Pangaea duel size.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either both as different civilizations, or you can have both the same. There are no restrictions. If both players agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  2. It will be an Ancient Era Start.
  3. The difficulty will be Prince.
  4. Game pace is Quick.
  5. World Age is 4 Billion Years.
  6. Temperature is Temperate.
  7. Rainfall is Normal.
  8. Resources are Abundant.
  9. All Victory Conditions are active, excluding time.
  10. The map type will be Pangaea, duel size.
  11. Barbarian, and Ruins are not disabled, and 4 city-states.
  12. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if both players agree.
  13. All world wonders are eligible for the game.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 11: 5P Back to School Special

On your first day of school.... scared, don't know anyone. Who should you make friends with? In this game, it is a 5 player Free For all, but the top two players left will be considered the winners! Once there are only two players left, the game is considered over. This changes your strategies.. should everyone gang up on the strong player, or should you team up with the strong player hoping to get in the top two, but have everyone else against you? It is a 5 player game so that it will not be even number of players if everyone teams up. Will it be 4 on 1? 3 on 2? Now.. throw in there that the resource settings are sparse, and lets see who gets the strategic resources.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. Civilizations are player choices. If all agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  2. It will be an information Era Start.
  3. The difficulty will be Prince
  4. Game Pace is "Standard"... lets make it a bit longer to get those units out.
  5. World Age - 4 Billion years.
  6. Temperature will be Temperate.
  7. Rainfall will be normal.
  8. Sea level will be medium.
  9. Resources are Sparse.
  10. Only domination victory condition enabled.
  11. The map type will be a small sized Oval.
  12. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled (though there won't be any ruins since its on Informational).
  13. There will be 6 city-states.
  14. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if both teams agree.
  15. All great wonders are eligible for being built.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 12: 3-5P To the Moon!

This is a 3 to 5 player Science Victory only, but you can declare war on each other.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. The only victory condition is science victory.
  2. The challenger must challenge 2 to 4 other players to a game. Challenger creates the game in GMR.
  3. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all as different civilizations, or you can have all civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though). If everyone wants to pick Korea, so be it.
  4. It will be an Classical Era Start with a game pace of Quick (to move it along faster).
  5. The difficulty will be Prince.
  6. The map type will be Earth, Map size Large.
  7. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  8. There will be 25 city-states.
  9. For this game, Disable Start Bias will not be enabled.
  10. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if all players agree. In the save game, i disabled Explorer's Map Pack too, but you guys don't have to do that.
  11. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders).
  12. When preparing the Order of the turns, the players decide how they want to do the order that is the most efficient.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 13: 2v2 No Nukes or XCOMs

A 2 on 2 domination victory only on a standard sized Inland Sea, with no nukes or XCOMs allowed. Too many games just come down to who has access to uranium, or who can build nukes fastest. This is to see who can do battles other ways. You can still build Giant Death Robots so you have something to spend your uranium on!

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Missiles, and XCOM units are not allowed to be produced, or upgraded to. If you some how end up with one of those units, it must be deleted immediately. If an advantage was obtained before they could be deleted, then the game will need to be rolled back until the advantage is no more.
  2. This is a 2 on 2 team player Domination Victory only.
  3. The challenger must find a partner, then challenge another player. That other player will need to find a partner. Challenger creates the game in GMR.
  4. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all as different civilizations, or you can have all civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  5. It will be an Industrial Era Start with a game pace of Quick (to move it along faster).
  6. The difficulty will be Prince.
  7. The map type will be Inland Sea, Map size Standard.
  8. World Age will be 5 Billion Years, Temperature as Temperate, Rainfall as Normal, Resources as Strategic balance.
  9. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled, Espionage is Disabled.
  10. There will be no City States.
  11. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if all players agree. In the save game, i disabled Explorer's Map Pack too, but you guys don't have to do that.
  12. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders)
  13. Scholar's in Residence Resolution is no longer banned since supposedly it has been fixed. If this is not true, please advise and I will change this rule.
  14. The turn order on GMR will be such that The host of the game is first on team 1, the second player will be a player from Team 2, the third player will be the second player on team 1, and the fourth player will be the second player on team 2.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 14: 3v3v3 The Alphabet Game

The Alphabet Game is like a typical team game, except the way the players pick their civilizations. Each team's civilizations' names must be in alphabetical order. (NOTE: As the max number of Civs for Small size map is 6, the host needs to edit Civ5Worlds.XML file to allow 9 Civs. See Rule #18 for details.)

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. This is a 9 player only game, teams of 3.
  2. Civilization selections must be alphabetically sequential within each team, and must be the next available letter of the alphabet, not the same. Confused? ok.. examples: If the first civ pick of a Team is Assyria, second one should be selected among the civs whose names in English starts with the next letter in alphabet, which is "B". Therefore, the second civ cannot be America, Arabia, Austria or Aztecs (all start with A), but can be any civ whose name starts with "B" - so Babylon, Brazil, Byzantium). Third pick of this team should be selected among the Civs whose name in English start with the next letter in the alphabet, which is "C" (it won't always be the next letter, there are some gaps. Ex: we do not have any civs that start with L, Q, T, U, W, X, Y). So, it can be China, Carthage, or Celts. Make sense? The strategy in picking your civs will be what are the best 3 in a sequence for a small map, on ancient start (It is highly advisable the 3 team members have a discussion about this among themselves). When you get to Z, you wrap around back to the letter A (ex: Venice, Zulu, America is a valid team). Use this list of civilizations in alphabetical order to assist your decision.
  3. Duplicate civs between teams (but not in the same team) are allowed. After all teams select ther civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  4. The teams are free to order their players and civs within themselves; but the order of the turns will be Player 1 of Team 1, P1 of T2, P1 of T3, P2 of T1, P2 of T2, P2 of T3, P3 of T1, P3 of T2, P3 of T3; so that members of a team should never take turns back to back.
  5. The game will be an Ancient Era Start.
  6. The difficulty will be Prince.
  7. Game pace is Quick.
  8. World Age is 4 Billion Years.
  9. Temperature is Temperate.
  10. Rainfall is Normal.
  11. Resources are Strategic Balance.
  12. There isn't a team setting on this map, so you are randomly placed.
  13. All Victory Conditions are active, excluding time.
  14. The map type will be Pangaea and a Small map size.
  15. Barbarian, and Ruins are enabled, and 6 city-states.
  16. Extra DLCs will most likely need to be enabled.
  17. All world wonders are eligible for the game.
  18. To allow 9 players in a Small map size, ONLY the host has to do the following: Close Civ 5 game; find the Civ5Worlds.XML for BnW (there are 3 instances of this file, 1 for Vanilla and 1 for each expansion) at ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\assets\DLC\Expansion2\Gameplay\XML\GameInfo ; then open the file with a text editor, search for TXT_KEY_WORLD_SMALL_HELP ; under it you have a < DefaultPlayers >6 ; change the value from 6 to 9 ; save and exit; restart Civ5 and you can now start a game yourself with 9 players or use the save file on League site. Check this guide for more info about editing xml files to change the number of civs.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 15: 3-5P To Mars!

This theme is a modification of Theme 12. It is a 3 to 5 player Science Victory only, and although you can declare war on each other, attacking cities is prohibited.

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. The only victory condition is science victory.
  2. The challenger must challenge 2 to 4 other players to a game. Challenger creates the game in GMR.
  3. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all as different civilizations, or you can have all civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though). If everyone wants to pick Korea, so be it.
  4. It will be an Classical Era Start with a game pace of Quick (to move it along faster).
  5. The difficulty will be Prince.
  6. The map type will be Terra, Map size Small.
  7. World age is 4 Billion Years.
  8. Temperature is Temperate.
  9. Rainfall is Normal
  10. Resources are set to Strategic Balance.
  11. Raging Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  12. There will be no city-states.
  13. It is possible to declare war to another civilisation, however, attacking cities is not allowed. If a player attacks a city, turn must be reverted to the turn before it happened. Everything else related to war is allowed.
  14. For this game, Disable Start Bias will not be enabled.
  15. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if all players agree. In the save game, i disabled Explorer's Map Pack too, but you guys don't have to do that.
  16. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders).
  17. When preparing the Order of the turns, the players decide how they want to do the order that is the most efficient.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File

Theme 16: 4P FFA Naval Exploration and Warfare

This is a 4 player FFA game on a small sized Small Continents Plus map.

Rules | Games


  1. This is a 4 player FFA game, with all victory conditions enabled, excluding Time.
  2. The challenger must challenge 3 other players to a game.
  3. Civilizations are player choices. You can have either all 4 as different civilizations, or you can have all 4 civs as the same. There are no restrictions. If all 4 agree on civs and a DLC is no longer required, then the game creator can exclude that DLC in the game when creating it (the downloaded save game will have all DLC though).
  4. It will be an Ancient Era Start with a game pace of Quick.
  5. World Age - 4 Billion Years.
  6. Temperature - Temperate.
  7. Rainfall - Normal.
  8. Sea level - Medium (to keep both coastal and ocean exploration/warfare relevant)
  9. Resources - Strategic Balance (to ensure equal access to important naval units)
  10. The difficulty will be Prince.
  11. The map type will be small size, Small Continents Plus. This size incites naval conflicts faster, while this map type offers larger landmasses than Archipelago (for our fellow landlubbers!).
  12. Barbarians and Ruins are enabled.
  13. There will be 8 city-states.
  14. For this game, Disable Start Bias will not be enabled.
  15. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if all players agree.
  16. All great wonders are eligible for being built. (This is for simplicity, it can be difficult to remember which games you can build which wonders)
  17. When preparing the Order of the turns, the players decide how they want to do the order that is the most efficient.

Theme 17: 2P Fully Mirrored Match

This is a 1 versus 1 game, where we are playing rules similar to those you would see in a tournament or a competition. Both players play the same leader with a domination victory on a fully-mirrored, duel-sized map.

We will use the NOVAL War Route map for this match, v 9.1.

Important note: the player hosting the game has to download the map. Then he/she should put it into

C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\Maps

Rules | Save File | Games


  1. Both players must agree on a civilization to play, as both players will be the same civilization. If an agreement cannot be reached, then you will default to play as Brazil.
  2. The map type will be NOVAL War Route v9.1 (see the description).
  3. There will be NO City-States, Duel map size, Quick game pace, Ancient Era start.
  4. Temperature and Rainfall will be set to random.
  5. Landmass Type: Both players must agree on a landmass type (small/medium/huge inland sea, zorro atoll, ural, desert storm, etc. there are popup descriptions for each). If an agreement cannot be reached, then the game will be played in a Madagascar landmass (oval pangaea).
  6. Uranium will be set to Rare, Iron & Horse tiles will have 4 units of the resource.
  7. Land Wealth will be set to Wealthily mode and El Dorado will be switched OFF.
  8. City-State, Human and Barbarian Armies, all will be set to None.
  9. Barb Camps will be Mirroring & No New Units (not that it matters as Barbs will be disabled).
  10. Extra Promotions will be set to None, Team Settings will be Start Anywhere.
  11. Frontline Distance will be set to Medium, War Route (Starting road between civs) will be OFF, Permanent War option will be OFF.
  12. The only victory condition is DOMINATION.
  13. Under Advanced Game Options; Disable Start Bias, No Ancient Ruins and No Barbarians will be checked.
  14. The difficulty will be Emperor.
  15. Extra DLCs not used can be disabled if both players agree.
  16. The following wonders are banned: The Great wall and Terracotta Army. Building these is a forfeit of the game. If unintentionally built, and the opponent allows it, they may let you revert 1 turn before it is complete and you can then change production to something else.

Save File

We provide a save file for when creating new games. The files contain all the settings required to configure a new game based on the theme's rules, except for player civilizations.

Save this to your location where the hot seat saved games are stored. Open Civilization V, load this file, select your civilizations and away you go!

Download Save File